Thursday, April 12, 2012

Angels V Yankees game

Got tickets, driving up from San Pedro, what time do you recommend getting there for a Friday night game in August?

Angels V Yankees game

What time is the game?

It will be very trafficky at that time of year, on a Friday afternoon. There are two routes you can take, both equally congested, use to see the two routes. Plan on about an hour to get there.

Angels V Yankees game

I think it starts at 7.30pm, so was thinking of setting off at about 4pm.

Our rush hour starts at 2:30 or so, on Fridays. Do yourself a favor: Drive up to L.A. before 2:00. Do some touring, have dinner within 15 minutes or so of the stadium and then make the short drive to it.

Don%26#39;t drive to LA!! Your game is in Anaheim!

But, agreed, go early.

I was going to say, I thought it was Anaheim.

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